St. John Eudes

St. John Eudes: All the Spaces of Eternity … Are Filled With the Love That He Has for Us

From chapter two of The Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Now, as the Father loves His only begotten Son with an everlasting love, the Son of God also loves us with an everlasting love.
This means that all the spaces of eternity before and after are filled with the love that He has for us.
Hence, is it not true that if we had existed from all eternity, we should have been bound to love that gracious Saviour from all eternity?
If we had a thousand years, ten thousand, a hundred thousand, yes, even an eternity to live on earth, should we not be bound to spend them in loving Him who loves us with an everlasting love?
Actually, we have at most a few decades to exist on this earth, yet we waste them loving the world, the degradation and the trifles of earth. Ah, how guilty we are to have such ingratitude!