On Loving God St. Bernard of Clairvaux

On Loving God by St. Bernard of Clairvaux

In On Loving God, 12th-century abbot Bernard of Clairvaux writes of the mandate to love God totally and completely.
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On Loving God by St. Bernard of Clairvaux

Selections from On Loving God

“Ought He not to be loved in return, when we think who loved, whom He loved, and how much He loved?”
“The faithful know how much need they have of Jesus and Him crucified; but though they wonder and rejoice at the ineffable love made manifest in Him, they are not daunted at having no more than their own poor souls to give in return for such great and condescending charity.”
“But the believing soul longs and faints for God; she rests sweetly in the contemplation of Him. She glories in the reproach of the Cross, until the glory of His face shall be revealed.”
“Virtue impels man to seek eagerly for Him who is man’s Source, and to lay fast to him when He has been found.”
“We must know, then, what we are, and that it is not of ourselves that we are what we are. Unless we know this thoroughly, either we shall not gain glory at all, or our glorying will be in vain.”